Things You Didn’t Know About the Holiday Season

Happy Holidays!

Here are some holiday facts about the holiday season that we found interesting. Grab a cup of coffee or some hot chocolate (we love ours with marshmallows and a bit of whipped cream) and enjoy. 

  1. Approximately 350 million Christmas trees are grown in the U.S. and Canada. These trees are grown in all 50 states!
  1. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Vietnam was the largest importer of tapered candles from the U.S last year. 
  1. In Canada, there’s a tradition of taking a dip in freezing cold water to celebrate the new year. 
  1. In Norway, people hide their brooms on Christmas Eve so that mischievous spirits wouldn’t steal them and take them for a joyride. 
  1. In a brilliant marketing campaign, KFC immortalized itself as the go-to place to get a Christmas meal in Japan. People start placing their holiday meal orders 6 weeks before due to extremely high demand. 

Happy Holidays!

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