Automated Co-Branding

Automatic Co-Branding is instantaneous when you use our built-in partner logo merge in a single click to “on”—there’s no cumbersome download of assets and redesign necessary for partners. In fact, template design and copy are locked, preventing channel partners from changing your messaging so brand identity remains 100% intact.

If you turn on logo merge, your logo and theirs will appear side by side in the redistributed content.

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Automatic Co-Branding is not necessary if you’re sending a “to” message for sales enablement only. But if you’re sending a “through” campaign, logo merge is the key to our incredibly quick and easy five-click redistribution for channel partners.

Once they receive an email notifying them of the new campaign, they simply select the lists they want to send to, choose the level of data sharing, decide on auto-sequencing settings, and redistribute. It’s that simple!

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Cybersecurity Case Study

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Telecom Case Study

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