Make Them Famous!: 25 Podcast Review

The Future of B2B Partnerships

Make Them Famous podcast has been around for a while and unless you have a day or half-day free, you’re not going to be able to get through all the episodes. The good news is their latest episode recaps the first 25 episodes and gives you the most important information they’ve learned. 

Here’s some things we learned when listening to the episode. 

  • Providing joint value to your customers is a better way to build a relationship with your partner
  • Focusing your partner program solely on revenue can lead to partner burnout
  •  Once you sign on a partner, immediately show them value. Then, when they want to reciprocate, you can move on to asking them for things you need
  • Implementation partners actually know what your customers actually do with your product and can best help your customers best optimize your product. This can help gain a customer for life!
  • Start working on your partnership even before you and your partner sign the partnership contract

If you’ve got an hour to spare, it’s a great episode to listen to. Get it here.

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