3 ways to improve your partner’s experience and 2 reasons why you should

improve your partner’s experience

Partner experience is more than your partner’s experience with whatever partner management platform you pick for them. Your partners talk to end customers and are more than happy to share their experiences and impressions about your company. So it’s important that your partners have a good experience and impression of you. The better your partner’s experience with you, the more likely they are to resell or recommend your products. 

What thinking about partner experience can do for you

Happy partners are better partners. Here are the top 2 reasons why you should improve your partner’s experience. 

  1. Drive sales

Partners who have good experiences with you and your products are going to sing your praises every chance they get. 

  1. Increase your reputation 

People talk. When word gets out about your partner’s amazing experience with you, you’re going to be the most sought after company for partners to work with. 

What should you consider when thinking about your partner’s experience?

  1. Consider the type of support you’re giving them

Many partners are small businesses, who often have just a few contracts and renewals. But with the changes in technology, these contracts and renewals are bringing in less and less revenue. These partners have little to no marketing experience and struggle to go beyond their personal networks. They need support and training to thrive in the new environment. 

  1. Is your content personalized for that particular partner?

Don’t throw every piece of content you have at your partner. Take the time to consider exactly what they need from you. For example, a partner who resells your products to the European market doesn’t need campaigns geared towards the South American market. You don’t have to be hyper personalized, but considering what your partner doesn’t need access to will make your content less overwhelming for them. It also reduces friction for your partners and makes your partner program stand out.

  1. Your relationship with your partner

Do you have someone who works closely with your partner. Does your partner know who to go to with any questions or concerns they may have? How do you respond to your partner’s feedback? Do you keep in regular contact with your partner? Having a good partner relationship is essential to your partner’s experience. Partners who are kept top of mind will keep you top of mind. 

How to gauge your efforts

How do you know if your efforts are working? Aside from your partners giving you feedback, there are a few ways to tell. 

  1. Revenue increase

If you track your partner’s revenue over time and it’s increasing, then your efforts are working. Your partners are getting the support they need from you and as a result, they’re able to do what they do best. Sell

  1. Partnership length

Has your partner been with you for years? Did they leave and come back again? Are they referring you to other partners? Long lasting partnerships are the best sign that your efforts are working. 

  1. Total number of partners 

Do more people want to work with you than before? Do they cite your partner program as one of the reasons why? Your partners don’t just recommend your products and company to customers, they also recommend it to other companies in the partner marketing space. Improving your partner’s experience, improves your relationship with them and other prospective partners. 

About Us

At xAmplify, we’ve kept partners top of mind. With our decades of experience, we’ve helped companies improve their partner experience by giving them a marketing automation platform designed for partners and by partners. Our platform solves the challenges that partners face and automates much of the work they have to do.

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