Channelnomics: The state of the cloud

The Future of B2B Partnerships

In the latest episode of Changing Channels, Larry Walsh gives us the details of cloud adoption in the channel. Over the last few years, the cloud has been the transformative force in the channel. It’s made vendors and partners change the kinds of solutions they sell and how they sell. This episode gives us the results of a 5-year study conducted by Ingram Mirco Cloud and Channelnomics.  

Here’s what we learned

  • $1 out of every $5 of partner revenue comes from the cloud
  • Emerging tech such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and wearables are growing and becoming a larger share of partner revenue
  • 80% of partners want to expand their cloud offerings
  • 63% of partners don’t have a general business plan. Partners are not prepared for the dynamic cloud market.

We highly recommend watching the video instead of just listening to the podcast as it contains graphs and other visuals that make sense of the data. Watch it here

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